
Free Credit Repair Guide Offers Overview of Credit Fix Process

Here is a quick guide that helps lead you through the basics of credit repair.

If you want more detailed, step-by-step help, visit
the FindHow2.com Repair Credit page
or check out

How to fix your credit guide online -


Credit Repair Reminders Help Clean Up Credit

Bills.com put together this quick credit repair reminders guide that can help you stay on track as you clean up your credit in your effort to get a better credit score:

Bills.Com - Your Guide to Credit Report and Analysis -

You can find more step-by-step credit repair tips at http://www.findhow2.com/repair-credit.html


Mortgage lenders are reporting loan modifications to credit bureaus. Adjustments to home loans are now lowering credit scores. In ironic twist, as the U.S. government urges banks to help struggling home owners keep their homes, the lower FICO scores resulting from this help is actually hurting their future ability to borrow more money!

Read more here:



5 Simple Tips To Fix Bad Credit Score

Here are 5 simple tips direct from the Federal Reserve on how to improve your credit score:

fix your credit score -

Credit Score Trends Paint Ugly Picture

There is a disturbing trend among credit card companies to charge all of their customers -- those with good credit and those with bad credit scores -- the same high interest charges that previously would have been unthinkable.
JQAdams notes 5 such trends in this article published at Helium.com:
Hopefully, once the current economic downturn has passed and people get back to work, they will remember the games these credit card issuers played dirty and kicked them when they were down.
New legislation aimed at reining in the exploitation done by credit card companies is looming next year.