Late payments on your student loans are one easy way to ruin your credit score, and the problem will only get worse if you choose to ignore the problem!
Learn how deferment of your student loans might be the best option to get some breathing room on your education loans, catch up on past due payments, and try to start fresh with a new budget.
You'll also learn what the difference is between deferment vs. forbearance. Good info you might want to share with others you know who are struggling to pay off student loans.
Are Student Loans Ruining Your Credit?
Posted by
Steve Johnson
10:20 AM
Professional Credit Repair Can Help Credit Dispute... But For A Price
Are you interested in fixing your credit report, but afraid to do it yourself? You can do it. But if you'd rather pay someone else to do it for you, if you don't feel comfortable negotiating debt settlements or writing credit dispute letters, then hiring a reputable credit repair professional does make sense to get qualified, expert help to solve your credit problems.
No matter if your credit problems stem from your past poor credit habits or simple mistakes that the credit bureaus failed to correct, or even more serious issues like identity theft, turning to a professional credit repair attorney will give you immense peace of mind.
The secret is simple: you need to be selective, to shop around, ask lots of questions and hire the best you can afford.
It's said that professional legal credit repair law firms provide the best options for getting black marks erased from your credit report; however, be aware that oftentimes, getting entries removed from your credit report merely depend on the passage of time. Don't let anyone tell you that they can expunge entries for you that are accurate (they can't) and those who might advise you to open a new credit file, alleging "identity theft" (that's illegal).
Locate the best professional help you can afford using these helpful links. We are not affiliated in any financial arrangement with any of these links; we simply wish to provide you the reader with a selection of helpful websites to begin your search:
Posted by
Steve Johnson
4:13 AM
Labels: credit repair company, credit report service, credit restoration, professional credit repair
How Credit Debt Settlement Letters Can Help Settle Past Due Credit Account
Credit debt problems can generally be resolved with just a few simple steps all by yourself. There's no need to hire professional credit repair to restore good credit. You can fix your own credit rating, and in time, improve your FICO credit score.
Here's what you need to keep in mind when you are preparing a credit report dispute:
Credit debt settlement is one way to settle past due balances on your oldest credit account. There are distinct steps to write a settlement letter that will lay out your plan to pay off your debts in exchange for favorable treatment of your credit rating.
Credit dispute options include phone calls and emails and entries in website forms... but the best option, in my opinion, is still writing a letter to fix your credit.
Your credit reference will be tested when you apply for a new loan, buy new auto insurance, and even, more often than not, when you apply for a new job... so you must take steps to fix your credit. Request credit report from each of the Big Three credit reporting agencies: TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. Identify every page of the reports. Take action to get rid of key derogatories that are outdated or untrue. If necessary, add your 100-word explanation to tell your side of the story (i.e., you were late on credit card payments three months due to being unemployed during that period, etc.)
Credit report service availability is available at no-cost from the truly free -- so there's no need to pay to check your credit. (It is true, however, that if you want to get your FICO credit score, you must pay a fee for this.)
A credit repair company can indeed offer you professional credit repair services for a fee. But watch out. If you are required to pay for the service upfront or if you are not notified that you can do this yourself, then you may be dealing with a firm that is skirting the law. Stay clear.
So as you can see, it's simple to solve your credit debt problems by yourself. For free tips on how you can fix your own credit rating, and eventually raise your FICO credit score, visit For free sample credit dispute letters and templates to tailor to your own credit relief program, visit
Posted by
Steve Johnson
9:42 PM
Labels: credit account, credit debt, credit debt settlement, credit report dispute, credit report service, dredit dispute, professional credit repair, request credit report