
Credit Scores Getting Squeezed

With the ongoing economic slump and the ensuing credit crisis facing those addicted to credit card usage, there's been a shift over the past 6-8 months that seems to only be getting worse: credit contraction.
People of all credit scores are seeing credit limits shrunk and credit card feed hiked.
Interest rates on credit card accounts are going through the roof.
Credit lines held in reserve are abruptly disappearing... sometimes without even notice to the account holder.
As a result, credit scores are taking a beating.
If you need help getting better credit, take heed of these changes credit card issuers are taking. Don't get caught off guard. Get credit help.
Check out http://www.FindHow2.com for free tips to help you dig out of debt.
We've put together a quick credit fix guide too at http://www.Fix-Bad-Credit.com that offers a handful of quick steps you must take to start repairing your own credit yourself.

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